Maria Brosnan is an educational leadership and wellbeing specialist, author, coach, speaker.

Over a 30-year period, Maria has worked in a variety of wellbeing capacities; from counselling end-stage cancer patients to whole school wellbeing training.

She created Pursuit Wellbeing as a platform to offer information, inspiration and support to promote the wellbeing of teachers, leaders and all school staff.

Prior to developing Pursuit, Maria’s passion for education saw her co-found and manage two award-winning education technology businesses, The Story Spinner and Striver. Striver is a whole school Sport, PE and Wellbeing platform, now managed by 2Simple. 

She was a Director of the British Educational Suppliers Association (BESA). And is currently on the Board of Trustees for a London bereavement charity.

She hosts the podcast ‘Pursuit of Wellbeing’, and is author of the book ‘Pursuit of Sleep’ for teachers.

“Teachers are statistically more likely to suffer from stress and anxiety than the general population. While this is difficult enough for them as individuals, it has a fundamental impact on children.  Research shows that children taught by stressed teachers are more stressed themselves. They’re less able to think clearly and learn.

If we’re to change the trajectory of the health and educational outcomes of our young people, we have to do something dramatic and I believe that improving the wellbeing of our teachers will have the biggest impact.

This is why I created Pursuit: to offer wellbeing information, inspiration and support to people like you, doing the most important job in the world.”