1:1 Coaching

Personalised Leadership, Health & Wellbeing 1:1 Coaching
Welcome to our 1:1 coaching sessions for headteachers, a special space for you to reflect, grow, and develop professionally.
Our sessions are customised to meet your specific needs, goals, and challenges, offering a supportive and confidential environment.
Our goal is to help you succeed in your role as a headteacher, positively impact your school community, and find personal and professional satisfaction.
With our transformational coaching style, we help you reach your full potential and make a lasting difference in your career, so you can lead with confidence and vision.
Book your FREE ‘Secrets to Unlocking your Peak Performance’ session with Maria.
In this 45-minute session, we’ll work together to…
- Create a crystal clear vision of your role as a headteacher.
- Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your current efforts.
- You’ll leave the session renewed, re-energised, and inspired.
“The sessions I had with Maria made a massive difference to my working life and wellbeing. They enabled me to put things into perspective which in turn led to me worrying less and sleeping better.
They also helped me to see the wood for the trees and get to the nub of issues I was grappling with in school.
Finally and most importantly, they supported me to be less critical of myself and less hard on myself which then led to me being more clear-headed in my decision making.”
Clare Charter, Headteacher, Dunmow St Mary’s Primary School
“The sessions that I had with Maria lifted my day. Her gentle yet incisive approach brought clarity and enabled me to prioritise my thoughts and actions. The sessions were a lifeboat in a choppy sea.”
Claire Berry, Headteacher, Birchanger Primary School