Heart and Brain Health for Headteachers Webinar

with Maria Brosnan & Dr. Carla Stanton

Are you a Headteacher or CEO of a MAT experiencing the unpleasant symptoms of stress?

In this webinar I’ll share proven techniques to reduce the impact of stress in your life and measurably improve your heart health and wellbeing.

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Discover more about our ‘Heart and Brain Health for Headteachers Programme’ in less than 30 minutes. 

The aim of the programme is to enable you to:

  • Understand, measure and impact the 3 key indicators of your heart health (and they’re not cholesterol, diet or exercise.)
  • Reduce anxiety, panic, stress or feelings of overwhelm the moment they occur.
  • Reduce the impact of stress before, during, and after a difficult conversation or challenging situation.
  • Improve your ability to problem-solve and communicate effectively in the face of challenge or crisis.
  • Boost brain health and cognitive function to protect against decline.
  • Improve the quality of your sleep, and more, supported by biofeedback technology so you can see the impact in real time.

“Before I signed up to Heart Health, I believed that stress was part of the job and i just had to get used to it and accept that I would crash every holiday. Since learning through the programme I have a completely different mindset. I understand far more about stress and what I can do to proactively manage my response “in the moment”. I would recommend all leaders (and anyone working in education) give themselves the gift of this learning.”

Jo Hastings, Executive Headteacher, Ottershaw Christ Church Schools

Hear from Headteacher, Jacquie Chambers, on how the Heart Health for Headteachers Programme has positively impacted her leadership, health and personal life.

“Maria Brosnan’s training from Pursuit Wellbeing has been transformational for our school and system leaders. 

Improved wellbeing, reduced anxiety, and better impact in their respective roles have been reported across the board.”

Alex Russell, CEO, Bourne Education Trust

Meet Maria Brosnan

Maria Brosnan is a specialist in educational leadership, health, and wellbeing, with over three decades of experience as a counsellor, coach, author, and public speaker.

Passionate about promoting holistic wellbeing in the education sector, Maria founded Pursuit Wellbeing as a platform offering education, training, and coaching. 

Prior to setting up Pursuit, Maria co-founded and managed two award-winning education technology companies. She hosted the podcast, “Pursuit of Wellbeing,” and her acclaimed book, “Pursuit of Sleep for Teachers,” provides practical guidance for educators seeking to enhance their sleep quality.

Meet Carla Stanton

Dr. Carla Stanton is a highly accomplished GP and Certified Functional Medicine Doctor with a wealth of clinical experience spanning over 20 years.

Dr. Stanton delivers performance and wellbeing programmes to doctors and frontline medical professionals. Her commitment to promoting wellbeing extends globally as she facilitates biofeedback research on an international scale.

Drawing upon her expertise, Dr. Stanton serves as an advisor and co-creator of the Heart Health for Headteachers programme. Her guidance and insights have been instrumental in designing the programme.

She is also the  Medical Director of HeartMath UK, the company that created the biofeedback technology and techniques for increasing resilience and reducing stress used in the Heart Health programme.