welcome to pursuit


We help Headteachers, school leaders and teachers manage stress, anxiety and daily school pressures, with practical, research-driven information and training.

Meet Maria Brosnan

Welcome! I’m Maria Brosnan, an Educational Leadership, Health and Wellbeing Specialist, Counsellor, Author, and Coach.

Together with Dr. Carla Stanton, our mission is to empower Headteachers, leaders and teachers like you, to prioritise your health and wellbeing.

Through our platform, we offer research-based tools, resources, and training, designed especially for educators.

As a Headteacher, why is your health and wellbeing so important?

You might be here today because you feel anxious, overwhelmed, depressed or exhausted. Or you’re responsible for staff who are.

You’re not alone. 

These are normal human responses to stress, but if left unchecked can harm your health and wellbeing.

Our research consistently shows that Heads who prioritise their health and wellbeing have higher job satisfaction, reduced burnout, improved mental health, and increased professional effectiveness.

This ultimately has a positive impact on your overall school community and student outcomes.

“The training from Pursuit Wellbeing has been transformational for our school and system leaders.

Improved wellbeing, reduced anxiety, and better impact in their respective roles have been reported across the board.”

Alex Russell, CEO, Bourne Education Trust

What can we do for you?

Whether you’re seeking strategies to manage stress, improve work-life balance, enhance emotional resilience, or cultivate a positive mindset, we can help.

Our main aim is to empower you to thrive both personally and professionally.

Our Flagship Programme:
Heart & Brain Health for Headteachers

Did you know that a staggering 89% of Headteachers experience chronic stress?

While Headteachers may know that stress negatively impacts their health, many don’t have evidence-based tools to address this efficiently or effectively.

That’s why we have developed the Heart & Brain Health for Headteachers programme, built on the understanding that chronic stress is an independent risk factor for coronary heart disease.

It is designed to help you understand the impact of stress on you and to provide you with proven and practical methods that make measurable improvements to your health and wellbeing.

With this programme, we aim to help you:

  • Reduce the symptoms of stress and anxiety that impact your daily life.
  • Improve the health of your heart, promoting long-term wellbeing.
  • Improve your performance, while working fewer hours.
  • Enhance the quality of your sleep, fostering rejuvenation and vitality.
  • Communicate more effectively, leading to improved relationships and collaboration.
  • And much more, empowering you with a comprehensive toolkit for a sustainable career in leadership.

Join our Free Webinar

To discover more about our ‘Heart and Brain Health for Headteachers Programme',  join our free webinar where I’ll share the proven techniques we use to reduce the impact of stress in your life. Sign up now to join the webinar, available to watch at your convenience.

Hear from our Participants

“(The Heart Health for Headteachers programme) is one of the best things I’ve ever done. It’s completely changed me as a professional.“

James Newman, Headteacher, Epsom and Ewell High School

“The course has really allowed me the opportunity to reflect on the stresses of my leadership role and offered me simple and effective ways to support my wellbeing, allowing me to perform better in my role. Maria’s approach was calm and supportive, and I have really valued both the content and the structure of the course.”

Clare Goldsmith, Headteacher Woodmansterne Primary School

“The Heart Health programme is a unique combination of personal reflective techniques and app-based activities, all rooted in medical research. 

To be able to offer something practical to support headteacher wellbeing instead of tea and sympathy is a game changer!  Highly recommended both personally and by local colleagues.”

Matt O’Grady, Headteacher, West Horndon Primary School

“I’m not going to lie, I was reluctant to be signed up for this programme. For context, I’m a Primary Headteacher with reason to be concerned about heart health and I wasn’t keen to know the worst about my heart.

That, however, is not what the programme has been all about. I have come away with a greater understanding of the impact of my heart health and my emotional state; a greater capacity to redress the balance when things are stressful and a new found willingness to share with my colleagues. It’s been enlightening – and I find myself to be largely ‘coherent’.”

Dominic Mulholland, Headteacher, Mildmay Primary School

“This programme has been an opportunity to speak to other headteachers who experience the same stresses and challenges as I do. The job can often be very lonely so talking to others was a great relief. Understanding the physical strains stress can have on the body coupled with the conversation have been incredible.”

Hannah Dibden, Headteacher, Everest Community Academy

“I would like to say a heartfelt thank you for the Heart Health course. It has made a real difference to me. Every session has been an eye-opener and the self awareness I have gained is already making an impact on how I behave as a headteacher as well as privately. Working on the course alongside other heads has been reassuring and encouraging. Thank you again.”

Jonathan Walters, Headteacher Ewhurst C of E (VA) Infant School

“Maria skillfully lead us through what could have been a difficult day.”

Participant Headteacher from Good Shepherd Trust Away Day

Breathe Your Way to Brain Health:

Surprising Insights into Alzheimer's Prevention

Discover how to protect your heart and brain health through our Heart Health for Headteachers program.
Recent groundbreaking research, led by Professor Mara Mather, offers hope against Alzheimer's disease using the same methods we use in our Heart Health training.

For information on our other Health and Wellbeing services follow the links below.

Not sure what courses or training you need?
Let’s talk through the options.