Being a newly qualified or recently qualified teacher in 2020 will be challenging. On top of the usual demands of a new career, dealing with the uncertainty of Covid and implementing guidelines in school brings unique challenges.
John Rees is an experienced teacher, speaker, coach, trainer and consultant with more than 25 years educational leadership experience.
The main focus of our conversation today is around ideas, tips and strategies to support NQTs [Newly Qualified Teachers] and RQTs [Recently Qualified Teachers] and their mentors.
In this episode we explore:
- Why relationships are the key to a healthy school culture.
- How Mentors can help their NQTs or RQTs feel valued, supported, cared for and protected.
- Embracing the challenge of uncertain times.
- How we can create the conditions for people to do their job well.
- Why teaching can be the best job in the world.
- And much more!
John is passionately committed to improving the learning and life chances of children and young people.
He provides training & consultancy in PSHE [Personal, Social, Emotional Health] Citizenship and SMSC [Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development] and all aspects of school improvement, supporting individuals, organisations and Local Authorities, including public health teams.
You can connect with John:
On Twitter
His Website is