Fixing a Broken System with Andy Mellor

Fixing a Broken System with Andy Mellor

At what point are we going to say “the sticking plaster approach is no longer going to hold together a system that’s fundamentally broken”? Andy Mellor has over 30 year’s experience teaching and leading in the state education system in England. He is a Past...
How to be an Assertive Leader with Mal Krishnasamy

How to be an Assertive Leader with Mal Krishnasamy

“There are lots of good people brought into leadership teams that are poor leaders. A great teacher doesn’t necessarily make a great leader.” Mal Krishnasamy is an Educational Consultant & Coach. With almost 20 years experience in education as a...
Teacher Empowerment with Kathryn Grice

Teacher Empowerment with Kathryn Grice

“The greatest success of the project has come from seeing teachers invest in themselves, recognise their worth and choose more of the life that they wish to live. Teachers: the possibilities are endless.” Kathryn Grice was a secondary English Teacher for ten years,...
Covid-19 Impact on Schools with Ernest Jenavs

Covid-19 Impact on Schools with Ernest Jenavs

“We were forced into the biggest, most sudden education experiment we’ve ever experienced.” Ernest Jenavs is the CEO of Edurio, the research company responsible for the largest comprehensive multi-stakeholder review of the Covid-19 impact on schools in...
Kindness Matters with Kindness Coach, John Magee

Kindness Matters with Kindness Coach, John Magee

The famous quote from Maya Angelou, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”, is the basis of this episode with John Magee. He says, “If we want...